Table of Contents
ARTFL Collaborations
The ARTFL Project considers collaborative work and projects a central part of its mission.
Works marked with an asterisk (*) are available only to subscribing institutions. Works marked with a plus sign (+) are available only to University of Chicago users.
Abraham Lincoln Historical Digitization Project:
- Lincoln/Net at Northern Illinois University
- Lincoln/Net at the University of Chicago
- Illinois Historical Digitization Projects
- The American Civil War: Letters and Diaries
- American Film Scripts Online
- Asian American Drama
- Black Drama
- Black Thought and Culture
- British and Irish Women's Letters and Diaries
- Early Encounters in North America
- North American Immigrant Letters, Diaries and Oral Histories
- North American Women's Letters and Diaries
- Scottish Women Poets of the Romantic Period
- Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française. Eighth Edition. (1932-1935)*
- Robert Estienne's Dictionarium Latinogallicum* with Professor T. R. Wooldridge of the University of Toronto
- The ARTFL-FRANTEXT Database*
Artamène, ou le Grand Cyrus. Online version of Madeleine de Scudéry's Artamène, ou le Grand Cyrus with the Artamène Project research team (Claude Bourqui, Alexandre Gefen, and Barbara Selmeci) and the University of Neuchâtel.
Balzac, La Comédie Humaine. Edition Critique en ligne en collaboration avec la Groupe internationale de Recherches balzaciennes and the Maison de Balzac.
Les Bibliothèques Virtuelles Humanistes (BVH)
- Epistemon: An extensively tagged collection of literary and poetic texts from the French Renaissance. Curated by the BVH and hosted by ARTFL.
The Center for Research Libraries and the University of Chicago Library
- Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
- Digital South Asia Library
- Pamphlets and Periodicals of the French Revolution of 1848
- B.A.S.I.L.E. Le Corpus de la littérature narrative du Moyen Age au XXe siècle: Romans, Contes, Nouvelles (Restricted Access)
Jean-François Féraud's Dictionnaire critique de la langue française with Le Groupe d'Etude en Histoire de la Langue Française (GEHLF). The GEHLF has made this first full-text experimental version of the Dictionnaire available for free for all lovers of classical and post-classical French for a five-year period under PhiloLogic. An advanced release should be available within two years under ATILF's Stella-FRANTEXT search environment.
The Image of France. George D. McKee's index of the offical documentation of printed imagery and photographs authorized for publication in France.
The ItalNet Consortium
- Franco-Italian Online Archive (FIOLA)
- Opera del Vocabolario Italiano*
- Renaissance Dante in Print (1472-1629). 450 page exposition of early Dante imprints.
- Inventory Catalogue of the Drawings in the Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan.
Jean Nicot's Thresor de la langue françoyse (1606)* with Professor T. R. Wooldridge of the University of Toronto
Textes de Français Ancien (TFA) with the Laboratoire de Français Ancien (LFA) at the University of Ottawa
Projet d'Informatisation du Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française
- Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française. First Edition (1694)
- Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française. Fourth Edition (1792)
- Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française. Fifth Edition (1798)
- Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française. Sixth Edition (1835)
Provençal Poetry Database* with Professor Akehurst of the University of Minnesota
The University of Chicago Library