Table of Contents
Subscription Details
Institutional Subscriptions
Subscriptions to the ARTFL databases are available only to universities, colleges, high schools, and other research institutions within the United States, Canada, and abroad. For institutions in France, access is provided by ATILF (Analyse et Traitement Informatique de la Langue Française). ATILF can be contacted at:
ATILF- Analyse et Traitement Informatique de la Langue Française
44, avenue de la Libération
B.P. 30687
Tél. +33 3 83 96 21 67
Fax +33 3 83 97 24 56
Individual Subscriptions
At this time, we unfortunately cannot permit individual subscriptions. Our agreement with ATILF specifies that only persons associated with educational or research institutions may use the database. Thus, we cannot provide access to the ARTFL database to individuals who are not students, staff or faculty at North American research institutions. However, we have received many requests for access from individuals not associated with appropriate institutions and are are actively working with representatives of the French government to further examine our subscription policies. If you would be interested in obtaining an individual subscription to ARTFL, please fill out our contact form here.
ARTFL Sustaining Memberships
Thanks to a collaborative effort with CIFNAL, the ARTFL Project is happy to announce the launch of the Sustaining Member Program. For more information about becoming an ARTFL Sustaining Member, please click here.
Subscriber Privileges
A subscription to the ARTFL Project now provides access not only to the main ARTFL-FRANTEXT database, comprising 3,558 French texts from the 12th to the 20th centuries, but also to several other restricted collections of texts and crucial reference works. A list of ARTFL databases accessible only to subscribers is available here. For announcements of new additions or improvements to ARTFL databases, please consult our What's New page.
Subscription Cost
The ARTFL Project is a not for profit organization and, as such, charges a very modest subscription fee. Institutions which have doctoral programs in the humanities and social sciences pay only $500 per year; all other post-secondary institutions pay $250 annually. High Schools can now subscribe to ARTFL for $150 a year. An annual subscription allows all members of an institution (faculty, students, staff and other affiliates) unlimited Web access. A quick look at subscription costs and access policies for other electronic databases reveals what a bargain an ARTFL subscription is. InteLex Corporation requires institutions to purchase a database and offer an option to pay an additional annual fee for Web access. For British Philosophy, 1600-1900, a database of 57 titles, an institution must pay $1,850 up front and between $300-$1,500 annually for Web access, depending on the number of philosophy faculty at the institution. Chadwyck-Healey, Inc. lists the Patrologia Latina Database (a database of similar size to the Main ARTFL Database) at $45,000. Should an institution prefer not to buy the database, but subscribe to Web access only, the subscription fee costs between $4,500-$11,250 a year depending on the number of simultaneous users. In contrast, ARTFL charges a mere fraction of the cost for more databases and freer access. Our flat subscription rate guarantees limitless access to the databases by all members of a subscribing institution.
How to Subscribe
Any authorized institutional representative, such as a departmental chair or librarian, can request a subscription to ARTFL. Students should contact either a faculty member or librarian if they are interested in a university subscription. This representative will serve as the liaison between ARTFL and your institution. In most cases, an institution's account will be activated the same day as we receive request information. The Institutional User Agreement form, which details the terms and conditions of your subscription to the ARTFL databases, will need to be filled out and submitted to us via surface mail.
Contact Information
The easiest way to reach the ARTFL team is to send an email to:
You can also reach us by phone at 773.702.8488, or send mail to:
The ARTFL Project
Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
The University of Chicago
1115 East 58th Street
Chicago, IL 60637